Abstract Details

Presented By: MacFadden, Lisa
Affiliated with: University of Utah, Biomedical Engineering
Authors: Lisa MacFadden, Nicholas Brown
From: Department of Biomedical Engineering University of Utah, Australian Institute of Sport in Canberra Australia
Development and Validation of a Musculoskeletal Model of the Feline Hindlimb


Function Electrical Stimulation (FES) that can recruit multiple muscles (e.g., via intrafascicular multisite electrode stimulation (IFMS)) creates an over-determined system of actuators that requires complex control. Computer simulations that yield muscle forces for multijoint movements can reduce the experimental complexity of these large scale control problems. Thus, the purpose of this paper was to assess the validity of the musculoskeletal geometry and force generating capacity of a model developed to determine the timing and activation of muscles required for complex behaviors of the feline hindlimb.


Surfaces of bones were reconstructed from CT scans from one left feline hindlimb. The kinematic structure of joints were measured experimentally or assumed to be revolute. Paths of 25 muscles were based on anatomic dissection and MRI sequences of the same specimen. Via points and wrapping structures were added to maintain muscle paths during joint rotations (SIMM, Musculographics). Architectural properties of each muscle were taken from the literature [2, 3, 4]. Reported moment arms [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] were compared to model outputs. Simulated maximal muscle activation across a range of joint angles was used to estimate maximal force- and moment-generation capacities. Maximum isometric moment-generating production of the knee extensors was measured during maximal electrical stimulation experiments and compared to those predicted by the model.


Model, experimental, and reported estimates of muscle moment arms compared favorably at each joint. Because moment arms are dependent on joint axis location and muscle path, these data suggest that the model appropriately represents joint structure and muscle paths. Maximum measured joint torques at the ankle [11] and knee compared well with maximal isometric model simulations. Differences between modeled and reported moment arms were largest for the hip extensors and knee flexors (the hamstrings muscles), but within the experimental variability of these measures (~1 cm) [5]. Thus, the model provides an accurate and meaningful representation of the feline hind limb anatomy and function.


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3. Roy R et al, Acta Anat 159, 136-146, 1997

4. Burkholder T, Personal Comm. 2008

5. MacFadden L & N Brown, J Biomech 41, 3448-3457, 2007

6. Young R et al. Neurosci Lett 145, 137-140, 1992

7. Young R et al. Exp Brain Res 96, 141-151, 1993

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11. Lawrence J et al. J Neurophysiol 69, 282-285, 1993

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Supported by NIH R01-NS03967