Mountain West BME Conference Details
Registration Procedure
The registration fee is $50. To register, please send email to
Liz Porter
Student Registration.
The student registration fee is $15. The Department will cover registration fees and Friday night lodging for all Utah Biomedical Engineering graduate students that have submitted abstracts accepted for poster or podium presentation. Please email your abstract and request for registration/lodging to
Karen Terry
Abstract Submission.
All graduate students attending the meeting are encouraged to submit an abstract. Podium and poster presentations will be selected on the basis of submitted abstracts. Please list a title, list of authors, author affiliations and source of support. The body of the abstract should not exceed 2000 characters. Please email your abstract in Word or PDF to
Karen Terry
Note: Deadline for submitting abstracts is Friday, August 11, 2006.
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Cliff Lodge at the reduced conference rate for Friday, Sept 15th, and Saturday, Sept 16th. Utah students should request lodging by sending email to Karen Terry
. All other registrants should contact the Cliff Lodge directly to make reservations (Ph: 801 933-2066; tell them you are with the Utah Mountain West BME Conference).