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Sarang Joshi
Current Research
Dr. Sarang Joshi joined SCI as an Associate Professor of the Department of Bio Engineering in 2006. Before coming to Utah, Dr. Joshi was an Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology and an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. Prior to joining Chapel Hill Dr. Joshi was Director of Technology Development at IntellX, a Medical Imaging start-up company which was later acquired by Medtronic. Sarang’s research interests are in the field of Computational Anatomy. The principal aim of computational anatomy is the development of specialized mathematical and computational tools for the precise study of anatomical variability and the application of these tools for improved medical treatment, diagnosis and understanding of disease. In 2005 he spent a year on sabbatical at DKFZ (German Cancer Research Center) in Heidelberg, Germany, as a visiting scientist in the Department of Medical Physics where he focused on developing four dimensional radiation therapy approaches for improved treatment of Prostate and Lung Cancer. He was also one of the founding partner of Morphormics, Inc. which was recently acquired by Accuray. He has won numerous awards including the 2007 David Marr Best Paper Award, The international journal Signal Processing 2010 Most cited paper Award, and MICCAI 2010 Best of the Journal Issue Award.
He holds numerous patents in the area of image registration and segmentation.
Non Pubmed Journals
M. Bauer, S. Joshi, and K. Modin. On geodesic completeness for Riemannian metrics on
smooth probability densities. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations vol. 56(4)
(July 11, 2017), pp.113. issn: 1432-0835.
N. Singh, J. Hinkle, S. Joshi, and P. T. Fletcher. Hierarchical geodesic models in diffeomorphisms.
International Journal of Computer Vision vol. 117(1) (2016), pp.70–92.
M. Bauer, S. Joshi, and K. Modin. Diffeomorphic density matching by optimal information
transport. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences vol. 8(3) (2015), pp.1718–1751.
J. Hinkle, P. T. Fletcher, and S. Joshi. Intrinsic polynomials for regression on Riemannian manifolds.
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision vol. 50(1-2) (2014), pp.32–52.
S. Durrleman, S. Allassonnire, and S. Joshi. Sparse adaptive parameterization of variability in
image ensembles. International Journal of Computer Vision vol. 101(1) (2013), pp.161–183.
He holds numerous patents in the area of image registration and segmentation.
Non Pubmed Journals
M. Bauer, S. Joshi, and K. Modin. On geodesic completeness for Riemannian metrics on
smooth probability densities. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations vol. 56(4)
(July 11, 2017), pp.113. issn: 1432-0835.
N. Singh, J. Hinkle, S. Joshi, and P. T. Fletcher. Hierarchical geodesic models in diffeomorphisms.
International Journal of Computer Vision vol. 117(1) (2016), pp.70–92.
M. Bauer, S. Joshi, and K. Modin. Diffeomorphic density matching by optimal information
transport. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences vol. 8(3) (2015), pp.1718–1751.
J. Hinkle, P. T. Fletcher, and S. Joshi. Intrinsic polynomials for regression on Riemannian manifolds.
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision vol. 50(1-2) (2014), pp.32–52.
S. Durrleman, S. Allassonnire, and S. Joshi. Sparse adaptive parameterization of variability in
image ensembles. International Journal of Computer Vision vol. 101(1) (2013), pp.161–183.