Biomedical Engineering e-News: Issue 3, 2015
Email newsletter image Prof. Butson and Teams Receive Over $10 Million in Grants

Christopher R. Butson, Ph.D., an associate professor of bioengineering and member of the Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute (SCI), has received grants from the National Institutes of Health as well as the National Science Foundation totaling over $10 million.

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Email newsletter image NCI Grant for Personalized Cancer Diagnostics and Prognostics to Alter and Team

Bioengineering faculty Orly Alter has been awarded a five-year, three million-dollar NCI grant for the project "Multi-Tensor Decompositions for Personalized Cancer Diagnostics and Prognostics." Co-investigators on her team include pathology and neurosurgery faculty.

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Email newsletter image Two New Tenure Track Positions added to the Department Roster

Do you know how the department ranks in terms of size according to the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE)? Do you know the average number of Ph.D.’s awarded over the last six years or the department faculty’s average h-index? What about those two new tenure track positions – have they been filled? And finally, how did more than 50,000 students rank the department’s educational program?