Year 1
- Enter as Ph.D. or M.S. student
- Select Bioengineering specialization area (fall)
- Identify a faculty mentor and begin research (fall)
- If admitted as Ph.D. student, form 5 member Ph.D. research supervisory committee (spring)
- If admitted as M.S. student, select 3 member M.S. research supervisory committee (spring)
- Complete M.S. level core curriculum
Year 2
- Meet with research supervisory committee to report progress (fall)
- If admitted as Ph.D. student, prepare ‘Plan of Study in Bioengineering’ (fall)
- If admitted as M.S. student:
- Apply for admission to Ph.D. program (fall)
- Form 5 member Ph.D. research supervisory committee (fall)
- Prepare ‘Plan of Study in Bioengineering’ (fall)
- Prepare for Ph.D. qualifying examination
- Take advanced courses in area of specialization
Year 3
- Take written Ph.D. qualifying examination (early fall)
- Meet with research supervisory committee to report progress and prepare for written research proposal (fall)
- Submit written research proposal (deadline: end of Fall Semester) (please see NOTE below)
- Take oral qualifying exam (deadline: end of Spring Semester) (please see NOTE below)
- Take advanced courses
- Report research at scientific meeting / submit manuscript
- *IMPORTANT NOTE: failure to submit the research proposal in Fall Semester and take oral qualifying exam by the end of Spring Semester of Year 3 will result in a loss of RA support and associated loss of the tuition waiver.
Year 4
- Meet with research supervisory committee to report progress
- Report research at scientific meeting / submit manuscript
- Deliver departmental seminar
- Identify external reviewer
- Complete any remaining courses
- Submit ‘Program of Study for the Ph.D. Degree’ to the Graduate School
Year 5
- Meet with research supervisory committee to report progress
- Report research at scientific meeting / submit manuscript
- Deliver Dissertation