Biomedical Engineering graduate students at the University of Utah are supported by graduate Research Fellowships through the John and Marcia Price College of Engineering, Research Assistantships,  Teaching Assistantships or Extramural Fellowships.


Research Fellowships

Several outstanding Biomedical Engineering students are supported each year by various PCE Fellowships, administered through the Price College of Engineering.  These students are nominated by the Department Fellowships Committee based on information provided by accepted applicants.


Research Assistantships (RAships)

A vast majority of graduate students in the Department of Biomedical Engineering are supported as Research Assistants and receive tuition waivers through the University of Utah Tuition Benefit Program, plus additional compensation if needed to enroll in the Student Health Insurance benefit program. The Graduate Admissions Committee can assist students in the identification of potential faculty sponsors, but it is the ultimate responsibility of the student to secure the RA position, stipend and benefits. After acceptance to the Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program, students are strongly encouraged to arrange a visit to interview with potential faculty advisors to sponsor an RAship. Continuation of tuition waivers, stipend and increases are contingent upon continuous enrollment, rules of the University of Utah Graduate School, and satisfactory progress in the graduate program.


Teaching Assistantships (TAships)

All Biomedical Engineering graduate students are encouraged to gain teaching experience by working as teaching assistants. Those students who entered in Fall 2011 or later have to fulfill mandatory Biomedical Engineering TA requirement. This TA requirement may be fulfilled by signing up for a total of 4 credit hours in TA Mentorship course (BME 7880) or serving as a paid TA for 20 hours a week for one entire semester. TAships for other students may also be available at the discretion of Department Chair together with a tuition waiver through the University of Utah Tuition Benefit Program. More advanced graduate students interested in teaching are encouraged to apply to the Graduate School for a University of Utah Teaching Assistantship (UTA). The Center of Teaching and Leaning Excellence provides teaching assistant support including teaching workshops, TA orientations, and international TA programs.


Extramural Fellowships


Health Insurance

All graduate students are strongly encouraged to carry health insurance. The University of Utah offers low-rate student health insurance, details available from the Graduate School.


Questions or Concerns?

Questions and/or concerns regarding stipends should be brought to the attention of the research advisor, Graduate Student Advisory Committee and/or the Associate Chair, Graduate Studies, Alan “Chuck” Dorval.