BME Graduate Program

The Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Utah is an internationally renowned center of basic and applied interdisciplinary research. The Department offers two graduate degrees: the Master of Science (M.S.) and the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). Graduate students can pursue research and educational opportunities in BioInnovate, Biomaterials and Therapeutics, Biomechanics, Data Science and Computation, Cardiovascular Engineering, Neuroengineering, and Imaging.

Specialized Graduate Tracks

Biomedical Engineering is a multidisciplinary field that uses research tools and techniques from virtually all of the physical sciences and the life sciences. The graduate curriculum at the University of Utah is therefore designed to accommodate a wide range of approaches. The goal is to provide an educational framework that will encourage graduate students to excel in their chosen area of specialization. Each student works with a graduate track advisor, their research advisor, and their research supervisory committee to design a program of study that meets the M.S. or Ph.D. requirements. The program of study should reflect the specific research interests of the student and should be designed to develop the highest level of expertise.

Each student’s Ph.D. qualifying exam is structured around their area of specialization and therefore courses completed as part of the program of study serve as partial preparation for the qualifying exam. The following areas are relatively common for Ph.D. qualifying exams and M.S. programs of study at the University of Utah:

Medical Device Design and Development

Business Plan Development

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Biomedical Polymers

Biomolecular Engineering

Tissue Engineering

Drug Delivery and Nanomedicine

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Molecular, Cell, Tissue, Organ and System Levels

Biosolids, Biofluids, and Biofluid-solid Interactions

Biological Transport Phenomena

Biomimetics and Biorobotics

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Membrane Ion Transport and Ionic Channels

Cell Action Potentials and Ion Currents, Ion Regulation, and Contraction

Cell to Cell Coupling and Spread of Excitation

Electrocardiography and Volume Conductors

Experimental and Simulation Techniques

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Cellular Systems Bioengineering

Cellular Synthetic Bioengineering

Computational Data Science, and Mathematical and Statistical Modeling

High-Throughput Molecular Biotechnologies

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Medical Imaging

Optical Systems, Imaging Methods and Hardware

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Computational / Modeling

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