“Cerebral Vascular Imaging, Vessel Lumen, Wall, and Blood Flow”

Chun Yuan, PhD, FISMRM, FAHA

Professor, Parker Endowed Chair in Medical Imaging Research,

Vice Chair for Research Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences,

Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine,

University of Utah

Friday, April 1st at 11:45 am

On Zoom

Registration required – Click here to register!


Cerebrovascular disease affects blood flow and blood vessels, can cause stroke and other neurovascular disorders. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), with its superior soft tissue contrast and sensitivity to flow, has been developed and applied in cerebrovascular imaging in recent years. These new imaging and analysis techniques allow better methods for:

  1. stroke diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.
  2. giving new angles to study brain aging.
  3. providing new opportunities to study atherosclerosis progression.
  4. offering unique applications of a verity of AI techniques.


This talk will focus on these new imaging and analysis techniques and discuss their recent applications.

Dr. Chun Yuan received his B.S. in physics at Beijing Normal University and his Ph.D. in Biomedical Physics at the University of Utah. He became Senior Research Analyst of GE Medical Systems immediately thereafter. He has pioneered multiple high-resolution MRI techniques to detect vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques and led numerous MRI studies examining carotid atherosclerosis. He is a member of the editorial board for the following Journals: JACC CV imaging, Journal of Cardiovascular MR, and the Journal of Geriatric Cardiology. He also serves as manuscript reviewer for about 315 other peer-reviewed journals involving magnetic resonance, arteriosclerosis, stroke, and cardiovascular sciences.

Through his over 30 years stint in the University of Washington, he has mentored 32 postdocs who have moved on to become professors, chief research scientists, clinician-researchers, heads of departments and other positions of responsibility in both private and government or public institutions in the USA, Asia, Europe, and around the world.  He has over 315 articles in peer-reviewed journals and wrote 23 Book Chapters. His research is supported by numerous NIH and private grants and currently supervises several postdoctoral fellows, research scientists and graduate students.

Currently, Dr. Chun Yuan holds the position of Parker Endowed Chair in Medical Imaging Research and the Vice Chair for Research at the Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences in the University of Utah. He is also Emeritus Professor at the Department of Radiology and the Department of Bioengineering in the University of Washington.

Biomedical Engineering Seminar Series

Bioengineering Elevated Talks: Celebrating 50 years of the Department of

Biomedical Engineering at the University of Utah