Kelly Broadhead has been an undergraduate advisor for the Biomedical Engineering department since 2003. Kelly received a bachelor’s degree in chemistry, with a minor in math, from Utah State University. His original plan was to go to medical school but after being accepted and briefly attending, he decided that practicing medicine was not actually a dream he wished to pursue. Kelly utilized his undergraduate preparation to move forward into biomedical engineering where he successfully completed a Ph.D. from the University of Utah focused on tissue engineering in the central nervous system. Upon completing his Ph.D., Kelly was approached about becoming a lecturer while continuing his research. He accepted this role as an assistant professor (lecturing), which included advising students part of the time. Kelly eventually pivoted away from research to teach more classes while still continuing to advise students (he advanced to associate professor in 2012). Kelly relayed that he enjoys advising because it allows him to meet new people, to share his experiences, and to talk through all of the options available for everyone.
When Kelly’s not advising, he enjoys spending time with his family, which includes an annual trip to Yellowstone to hike and explore. He also enjoys home improvement projects that he tackles himself. He recently re-did his basement, his pantry, and a guest bathroom!
When asked what one piece of advice he would like all students to know, Kelly replied, “Try different things – find out what you don’t like so you can get to what you do like.”
The class schedule for 2019 is now available, as well as the registration dates for students. Freshmen, make sure to schedule your mandatory advising appointment to receive priority registration! Sophomores, juniors, and seniors – come in to see Kelly to explore your options and make sure you’re on track to accomplish what you want to get done!