1. Watch Minna Wang’s 2-minute video called the ”
BME Experience
Minna was one the many bioengineering students who dominated the recent Bench to Bedside Competition (B2B), an annual medical-device prototype and business-plan competition held at the University of Utah Medical Center that challenges student teams to show that they can create commercially viable technologies and the business plans to support them.
Not only did a bioengineering student team win the top prize, but every winning team had at least one of our students as a member. “We really have awesome students,” said Patrick Tresco, department chair, “this is a clear demonstration that a good part of biomedical device innovation at the University of Utah is powered by the insightful problem solving that our students are learning in their biomedical engineering curricula.”
2. Grand Prize Winning Presentation
Watch a short video of Annicka Carter describing the anti-infective intraocular needle,
see here.
A top prize of $15,000 was awarded to the team that exceled in all areas of the competition including business, engineering and medicine. For their winning entry, bioengineering students Jeremy Hammer, Nick Rejali, Annicka Carter and Harjit Kaur (pictured above, left to right, respectively) developed an innovative anti-infective intraocular needle, designed to keep bacteria on a hypodermic needle from infecting the eye while treating retinal diseases such as age-related macular degeneration, which affects about 5 percent of the population at some point in their life.
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3. Research Symposium

The Department recently held its 12th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Warnock Engineering Building April 18th from 6-10pm, where each graduating senior presented their own research with a poster and a short oral presentation. This year’s turnout was exceptional; several hundred were in attendance, including faculty, friends, parents and yes…grandparents, who were incredibly proud of their grandchildren, as were we. The top prize winners of the poster competition were Kevin O’Neill (1st place), Jared Fredrickson (2nd place), and Andrea Tiede (3rd place) while the top podium presentation finishers included Maicy Downton and Jessica DeBerardinis (1st place finishers), Zach Jones and Anja Higgins (2nd place finishers) and Brain Martin and Rian Wending (3rd place finishers).